How to Edit Your PhD Thesis or Dissertation Properly

Proper editing of your PhD thesis or dissertation is highly important. Understanding how to edit your project will ensure your content is read by your audience in the manner intended. You want to review your content carefully for errors, mistakes and corrections that should be noted. You also want to pay attention on sentence and paragraph structure. At this point you can double-check guidelines and compare your work to academic expectations of your instructor. The following points are important elements to review when properly editing your PhD thesis or dissertation.

  • Make sure content is reader-friendly. Check subheadings, headings and ensure content captures reader attention. If necessary look for ways to improve content or simplify headings so readers understand what they are about and what to expect.

  • Check structure of thesis or dissertation. How well is your content organized? Does paragraphs show link between one another? Do you have transition sentences at the end of each paragraph to help readers? You may want to review bullet points and how well your topic is defined.

  • Does your content meet standards of what is required? Aside from doing this your content should incorporate your likeness and interest. When you have a unique interest in your topic it will show through your work. This element will make things easier for you during the revision process.

  • Review formatting style to ensure your content falls together in place properly. Many assignments of this nature will have a specific formatting style to follow. You can seek sample PhD thesis and dissertation content that follows your required structure.

  • Make revisions after reviewing your work. You can wait a day or so to read your work. Ensure your information is accurate by double-checking sources. Thoroughly read your content chapter by chapter. Use spell-check and review grammar and word usage. Check for clarity of overall content. Sentences should read well with good proportioned paragraphs (Are they too long?).

  • Have someone else read your work. You may consider working with a professional editor. You can do revisions and look over your work, but it can be helpful to get a professional point of view of your work. After making changes get opinions from people you know about your content. You may get mixed reactions which can be a good thing. Take constructive criticism in a positive matter and use it to make necessary improvements.