Dissertation writing guidelines: 3 ways to write an introduction

Writing an introduction for you dissertation should include highlighting important points about your topic. How you write your introduction likely relates to guidelines given for your assignment. You should follow them closely to ensure you produce material necessary for this section. Your introduction will mention an important part behind your research: your thesis. Depending on how you address your main idea this will help you develop your introduction. The following three aspects are areas to consider when writing your introduction.

Writing Your Introduction from a Situation Standpoint

When writing your introduction based on a situation you can consider both sides of the issue. This will help lead readers to your thesis or main point which addresses what can be done about it. You will mention other information about the situation or issue by providing background information to show your knowledge. Your thesis sentence may appear toward the end of the intro to help readers understand how or why the situation is being brought to their attention. You will detail to readers examples related to the issue and state a clear definition of how your field contributes to the solution.

Writing Your Introduction from an Opinion Standpoint

Your dissertation may work toward clarifying or changing someone’s opinion on a topic. You may detail different viewpoints and opinions as part of presenting background information on the topic. Your main idea or thesis may state something along the lines of examining viewpoints that are for or against something. Even though you may choose to examine one side of something, to provide clarity and further understanding you can present multiple opinions of the topic to create a foundation for readers to follow.

Writing Your Introduction Based on Past and Present

Your introduction and your thesis statement may feature elements that connect the past and present together. Depending on your thesis statement, you may want to detail how something has changed or how you think it may change depending on current and future conditions. Your introduction may provide points related to your understanding of change that has occurred or what you anticipate to occur based on research completed. This can reflect on a situation that has happened in the past, and your thesis may detail what you think will happen in the future, based on present events.
